All posts by atascientific


Attension Theta Flex. Optical tensiometer allows direct measurements of contact angle, surface and interfacial tension, SFE and interfacial rheology . 

NanoSight NS300 with high sensitivity camera, temperature controlled  405nm laser, Fluorescence enabled, syringe pump and concentration upgrade.

Logo Biosystems Celena X. Fully automated imaging system with onstage incubator, laser autofocus and fluorescence imaging in four channels, brightfield, colour brightfield, and phase contrast.

Logos Biosystems X-Clarity. All-in-one system with ready-to-use reagents for simple, rapid and efficient tissue clearing. Aids subsequent whole tissue 3D and fluorescence imaging.

Cellbox Flight CDI Portable self-sustaining incubator with CO2 & temperature control and International flight allowance allows the transport of fragile and valuable live cells. 

Mastersizer 2000 + Hydro G: World’s most widely used particle sizing system. Offers a wide dynamic range with SOP driven operation. Hydro G wet dispersion unit is ideal for larger volumes (800ml).

If there is an ex demo instrument that you require that isn’t listed please let us know. We can add you to a waiting list and contact you once we have a system available.

ATA Scientific has developed a COVID-19 Customer Response Plan to help those that require analytical testing services adapted to the remote working environment. Our technical support and service team is ready to support you remotely with web-based demonstrations, online operator training, service support, contract sample testing and instrument hire.  
Find out more about our support services here  

New T Cell Therapy reagent for mRNA delivery using Lipid Nanoparticles

Precision NanoSystems is proud to announce that the GenVoy-ILM™ T Cell Kit for mRNA is now available to enable lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-based ex vivo gene transfer into T cells. Scientists can now use mRNA-LNP to efficiently and reproducibly generate high yields of engineered primary human T cells using a simple workflow.  
Read the full press release here

One preparation is ready in under 5 minutes, and the resulting mRNA-LNPs can be seamlessly integrated into standard T cell culture workflows. The GenVoy-ILM T Cell Kit for mRNA and the NanoAssemblr® Spark™  enable the preparation of mRNA encapsulating LNP optimized for delivery to activated primary human T cells. It can be used at various stages of cell therapy research from discovery to preclinical development.  

mRNA-LNP generated from the GenVoy-ILM T Cell Kit for mRNA leverage endogenous cellular uptake mechanisms  

View the data    

Webinar: Rethink T Cell Therapy with Lipid Nanoparticles 
Learn more about how the GenVoy-ILM T Cell Kit for mRNA can empower your research.
Key learnings:
•    Review of current ex vivo gene delivery strategies for cell therapies
•    Introduction of GenVoy lipid nanoparticle delivery platform
•    Presentation of data in T cells comparing the GenVoy-ILM T Cell Kit for mRNA with electroporation  
To watch the recording click here
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Optimising water treatment coagulants

Water treatment plant saves USD100k in 1 year by accurately controlling coagulant chemicals  

Webinar: Wed 23 June at 4pm (Sydney time)
Control of the flocculation process and adjustment of coagulant dose is often a challenging step in the water treatment process. Chemicals used can be expensive. Add too much and they can alter your water’s pH; add too little and they don’t do the job of coagulating the flocculation.

Join this webinar to understand how your plant can use Zeta Potential technology in the lab or as a smart online monitoring tool. See how it can be used to understand the effect of the coagulant dose used in pre-treatment processes to enable a floc to form and allow filtration to work efficiently.
Watch this webinar now – Click here  
We offer a broad range of products and services, focused in the areas of Particle, Material, Biomolecular Sciences and SEM/ Imaging. For a free consultation and quote, please get in touch.
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Why You Need an Electron Microscope in Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technology that uses three-dimensional computer models to print parts by building the component layer-by-layer. Construction, prototyping and biomechanical are some popular applications, but opportunities exist anywhere minimal raw materials requirements and a greater design freedom are desired. In this article, we explore the advantages of using a Scanning Electron Microscope for AM, common use cases and how the Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM can also determine the elemental composition for every identified particle.

What is SEM, and What Does an SEM Image Tell You?

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) provides microscopic information about the surface or near-surface region of a sample. The only requirement is that the viewed object must have the capability to withstand the vacuum within the chamber and the bombardment of the electrons.

SEM enables examining the interaction between electrons generated by the source at the top of the column, accelerated toward the sample, and the atoms that make up the sample. These electrons interact with the sample’s surface to produce signals collected by the detector that provides an image or chemical composition. The interaction of the electrons from the source beam generates different signals and a drop-like interaction volume within the sample, typically generating Secondary Electrons (SE) within the first 10nm of the sample’s surface. As electrons go deeper, Back Scatter Electrons (BSE) emerge from the sample, and if electrons have enough energy, they can generate X-rays. 

Dark and bright areas characterise SE images, and their contrast gives a sense of depth and dimensionality. Examiners use SE images to analyse the morphology of a sample. The advantage of a SED is that it provides information about the surface topography, clearly displaying any bumps and dips on the surface. BSE images provide information about element distribution, with the darker areas indicating low density or light material such as carbon. In comparison, the brighter regions indicate heavier elements such as copper and zinc. BSE images are therefore helpful in identifying contaminants on the surface of the sample.

Elemental Analysis for Additive Manufacturing

Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS), or Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis, is a non-destructive analytical technique that determines sample composition using X-rays generated from the interaction of electrons from the source with the sample. The working principle involves electrons from the beam crossing through an atom, which forces the ejection of an electron. Another electron from higher energy fills the vacancy and leads to an X-ray emitted, which is characteristic of the element of that atom.

Uses of SEM in Additive Manufacturing

Typical 3D printed parts require accurate quality control to identify any faults or contaminants in the material that may compromise the reliability of the part. Using SEM, one can inspect printed parts for cracks or inclusions, print resolution, and the presence of different phases, characterise particles for their morphology and composition, or validate raw materials or recycled materials. BSE imaging can reveal different stages in components as these phases have different densities. Using BSE imaging, a cross-section of an element can show the distribution of different phases or densities in components usually formed in processes that involve fluctuating, high temperatures. Both BSE and SED detectors can provide images of the sample surface and show pores, cracks, and inclusions. In contrast, the EDS detector provides the elemental composition to provide valuable fracture or metal wear analysis. The recycling process can change the original size and shape of the powder and form agglomerates, which can form pores within the sample and result in lower-quality printing. 

SEM can therefore provide a great deal of information to improve the quality of the final product. SEM is a versatile tool that can give quick verification and classification of materials. SEM images provide structural information and chemical composition in addition to particle morphology and the presence of aggregates. Uniform shape, size, and elemental distribution of the powder samples used for AM are crucial to creating high-quality 3D printed structures.

Particles are identified and measured using automated software that extracts and reports statistical distributions of characteristic geometrical properties. This software also sorts and classifies individual particles during runs based upon particle size or particle chemistry. Identification of particles that fall outside the set criteria for each classification enables grouping and capturing and reporting of extensive information. SEM can count every particle in a given population field, so particle size distribution is displayed as a number distribution histogram. The elemental composition identifies and separates them by particle size.

The most significant advantage of using an SEM for AM is determining the chemical composition for every identified particle. The other noteworthy advantage is the ability to understand particle shape and particle size distribution by number. This individual particle analysis helps to highlight the presence of fine or minuscule particles that can create problems in terms of flowability in the printing process. As particles get smaller, the forces of attraction between particles increase, which means finer powders are usually less free-flowing than coarser powders. Smooth, regular-shaped particles tend to flow more easily than rough-shaped ones because of reduced friction and interlocking. 

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Identify Failures and Root Cause Faster with the Phenom ParticleX SEM

The Phenom ParticleX package for AM provides 3D printing companies faster quality control analyses of materials. The Phenom’s compact size requires very little space and allows users to place the microscope exactly where it’s needed. Whether that’s in the lab or on the production line, Phenom ParticleX offers in-house analysis and validation of produced goods against industry-approved standards, up to ten times faster than outsourcing. 

Consisting of a high-performance Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM and a broad range of automated SEM analyses, the system pairs SEM microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) spectroscopy. This powerful combination provides structural details and chemical composition to enable greater insight when assessing the quality of a product. Users can obtain high-quality images in just 40 seconds—three times faster than other desktop SEM systems on the market. The system enables more resolving power, with an improved resolution of 10 nanometers and exploring large samples of up to 100 by 100 millimetres. The secondary electron detector (SED) is ideal when studying microstructures, fibres, or particles to reveal detailed sample surface information. Users can see what elements are present with the elemental mapping and line scan functionality using live energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) analysis with a click on the impurity. 

ParticleX software quantifies powder morphologies, size distribution, homogeneity, and contaminants in an automated fashion to evaluate the purity of metal particles at the microscale. This visibility helps to optimise recipes and assists with the recycling of raw materials by measuring various size and shape parameters, such as minimum and maximum diameter, perimeter, aspect ratio, roughness, and Feret’s diameter. All of these can be displayed with 10%, 50%, 90% values (e.g., d10, d50, d90).

The Phenom SEM package for Additive Manufacturing is designed to provide 3D printing companies faster quality control analyses of materials. Contact us for a demonstration or quote today!

Phenom ParticleX AM Addresses the Challenges of Additive Manufacturing

This article was published in Materials Australia Magazine | April 2021 | Volume 54 | No1


Additive manufacturing (AM) is on track to revolutionise manufacturing processes by not only reducing costs but by creating complex parts that are not possible with traditional methods. The adoption of AM by many industries relies heavily on its ability to solve current manufacturing challenges.

The Phenom ParticleX AM is a specialised high-resolution desktop scanning electron microscope (SEM) dedicated to aiding additive manufacturers improve to product quality. The ParticleX AM rapidly profiles feed powders for size and morphological distribution, as well as elemental composition. Operators can then complete high-resolution imaging of the finished part to assess quality and look for defects in the print. This fully integrated system is simple to operate and eliminates the need for outsourcing for quality checks, speeding up time-to-market.

Challenge #1: Feed quality analysis

Obtaining regular-shaped and ideal size distribution of feed powder is crucial to creating high-quality parts. Smooth, regular-shaped particles flow more easily due to reduced friction and a lack of interlocking provides a more continuous powder bed. Additionally, achieving the optimal mix of small and large particles is critical to densely packed beds. Therefore, understanding the morphology and size distribution of particles is the key to produce high-quality parts with a smooth finish and high strength. The ParticleX AM can be used to quickly identify the morphological and the elemental composition of thousands of feed particles. From the resultant size distribution, morphological and elemental profiles, a given batch of powder can be assigned for specific use as per internal criteria. ParticleX AM allows ready access to extensive information on the starting material to deliver a powerful method for improving the quality of the final product.

Figure 1. ParticleX AM quantitatively analyses the morphology of feed powder. The intuitive software enables the user to revisit standout particles instantly, and produce plots and reports.

Figure 3. High-res select-area BSD-SED hybrid scan of an Aluminium (Al) bottle opener reveals (a) an irregularity on an inner support beam and (b) trace foreign element – later identified as iron using EDS mapping (c). Approximate field of view of the Aluminium (Al) bottle opener represents an area 70mm x 20mm.

Challenge #2: Product integrity assessment

The ability to scan for defects assists AM to validate a finished product. The ParticleX AM has a scanning area of 100 mm x 100 mm which grants a large degree of freedom to image and assess the size and shape of whole parts or sections of a larger component simultaneously (left). By combining an imaging resolution of <8nm and magnifications up to 200,000x, properties such as structural integrity, print resolution, surface uniformity and phases across large surfaces can be determined to contribute unique insights not possible with other systems. The secondary electron detector (SED) integrated within the ParticleX AM reveals topological features in fine detail, therefore pores, cracks and inclusions can be readily detected. The high-contrast backscatter detector (BSD) is ideal for imaging phases and the distribution of elements, complementing the energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector for elemental identification.

Challenge #3: Feed recycling optimisation

Viability of an AM process relies on the efficient utilisation of expensive powder feeds. Although recycling can save cost, it may also change the size and shape distribution and/or even composition through contamination. The Phenom ParticleX AM can be used to monitor the integrity of recycled powders by using the automatic morphological and elemental analysis capability. ATA would like to thank Dr. Haopeng Shen, researcher at Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing, for providing the titanium powders, and Amaero for the bottle opener featured herein.

Available for demo now: The new desktop Phenom ParticleX SEM

Requiring very little lab space, Phenom ParticleX offers in-house analysis and validation of 3D printed goods against industry-approved standards. Users can obtain high-quality images in just 40 seconds—three times faster than other desktop SEM systems on the market. Contact us for a demonstration or quote today!

Tech helps get the most out of food

With food becoming increasingly high tech, and consumers paying extra attension to what they are putting into their bodies, analytical equipment is becoming more important than ever.

This article features some of the most recent research from postdoctoral fellow at Massey University Dr Zhigao Niu who says utilising analytical technology can be the difference between a product’s success or being overlooked on the shelf. One such instrument is the Malvern Zetasizer, which measures the particle size of products down to the nm range in addition to surface charge. These properties are key for the food industry and help to understand how food will look, taste and feel on the palate as well as how it will react on the shelf over time. This technology is particularly useful for analysing milk and milk powder. The Zetasizer is also useful for edible films, wine, beer, oil in water emulsions, food flavourings and coffee.

To read the whole, please click here


Live cell imaging has transformed the way we study cells and molecular interactions, but how can you be sure that your imaging technique is not interfering with your cells?  Fluorescent labels have helped with the expansion of live cell imaging but can they actually alter normal cell function?

The Phasefocus Livecyte is quietly proving that fluorescent probes DO perturb your cells, at times are killing them, fundamentally questioning the validity of research that is so heavily invested in fluorescent labels. 
  To find out more, please read our latest publication
“Cell tracking casts doubt over fluorescent microscopy validity”
Contact us for more information

Livecyte changes what’s possible in live cell assays. Watch thousands of cells and the way they behave and interact without influencing them – This is what LIvecyte does! Discover more now.

Dig deeper into your biological questions with the Livecyte. Click here to watch more short videos on applications, how the technology works and real experiences from Livecyte users.

This video shows the secret lives of cells which can only be revealed through the Livecyte. Yield multi-parametric data, without the need for cell labelling or high intensity light imaging.
Free technology guide – Download your copy here today!
The ATA Scientific Encouragement Award aims to provide young scientists with financial assistance to further their education and attend scientific meetings and conferences. First prize is for $1500 and there are two runner up awards at $600 each. 
Entries close 19 April 2021. 
  Click here to enter our award  

Measure ultramicropores down to 0.35 nm

TriStar II Plus: High Throughput Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer

Surface area and porosity are important physical properties that influence the amount of sample surface available to react with other component particles and /or the surrounding environment. These properties are key to understanding the formation and structure of materials that can influence their quality and potential application. 

The Micromeritics TriStar II Plus surface area and porosity analyser uniquely allows you to combine data from nitrogen / carbon dioxide or argon / carbon dioxide isotherms thus providing an affordable route to characterising both micropore and mesopore content.

Competitive cost
Rapid and accurate measurement
Fully automated three station analysis
Ideal for high throughput sample analysis
Long lasting dewar to accommodate longer analysis
Krypton option for low surface area measurements
High analysis versatility
Enhanced data reduction
BET, t-Plot, Langmuir, DFT interpretation and more
Are you applying for research funding? Do you require more information?
Contact us for a quote today!

Watch Demonstration here 
Micromeritics TriStar II Plus allows up to three samples to be analysed simultaneously, and rapidly to determine the surface area and the porosity of materials.
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Creating a Genetic Medicine Manufacturing Ecosystem

This article was published in the April/May issue of Lab & Life Scientist – click here to download, page 6

Recently the Australian Government announced the Medical Products National Manufacturing Priority road map1. This Modern Manufacturing Strategy (MMS) is to be led by industry to assist in scaling up, becoming more competitive and have more resilient supply chains.
One of the key areas identified is high value-add medicines, and it is this segment that can be utilised in creating a Genetic Medicine Manufacturing Ecosystem.

Why an Ecosystem?

Australia has a proud history of world-class research, at times translating these findings into amazing medicines. We stand tall, wave the flag and laud such forays in global recognition and impact, citing how the latest eureka moment adds to notable achievements of years past from a relatively tiny nation punching above its weight with brilliant Nobel Laureates. Scientific endeavour requires talent, patience, time and funding, a whole lot of funding. Importantly science of the future needs to coordinate a skill-mix of brilliant minds from many disciplines coming together to develop solutions to the questions posed. The scientific tradition of sharing talent to the far corners of the planet may work in our favour in the current pandemic, however attracting such people is easier when the environment is conducive to them. Indeed, Australia has amazing scientists, respected worldwide. We do have some cool infrastructure but do we have an ecosystem?

Stem the Brain Drain

Building an Ecosystem has benefits beyond the obvious protection of our IP, creation of our own medicines, morph into vaccination security but help the loss of our talent overseas. A recent survey2  noted “Although most respondents indicated a ‘love of science’, many also expressed an intention to leave their research position. The responses highlight how job insecurity…..” This survey is a chilling read. It feels like these despondent researchers are leaving in droves or soon will be. The mantra is to promote STEM, get more women in STEM, so where are the jobs in STEM? Perhaps it is time to play this game smarter, develop an industry in science. This is not just a smattering of research institutes around the country but a concerted approach to integrate an industry leveraging off the human capital we have, creating the capacity.

What would the Ecosystem look like?

If Silicon Valley could be translated into Australia, we could create ecosystems in Quantum Computing, Genetic Medicines or any number of high-value industries. An ecosystem in this context can be defined as a complex network or interconnected system, building an industry with tangible employment across levels of opportunity. Much has been spoken about developing a facility to create the next vaccine, preparing for a future pandemic, and as the pharma companies line up to receive funding to build the infrastructure, I fear we will miss the golden opportunity this presents.

Scientific solutions to a challenge rarely are plucked from thin air, they require research and the environment to do this effectively. If we are at the precipice of dramatic funding for the manufacturing of medical products, let’s be astute about this. If an ecosystem is to be developed in genetic medicine, there will likely be two main streams, R&D and manufacturing. These are not unrelated; indeed, they are inextricably linked with commonalty of raw materials, scientific IP and technology. To develop sovereign capacity lessons learnt from this current pandemic must be observed. No number of iron-clad vaccine contracts from big pharma can protect the supply if the foreign government bans the export. Currently, there are global shortages of raw materials, basic laboratory products, value-added consumables such as mRNA, lipids and instrumentation. All this can be secured if a well thought out ecosystem is planned and executed. Up-stream from the actual production and downstream requirements such as fill and finish.

Will the Ecosystem be profitable?

This depends on your definition of profitable. For some this is jobs, for others it is monetary wealth creation and for scientists, it is the translation of research into treatments for diseases. All of these have merit especially if you include the opportunity this presents for our early career researchers.

To be clear, a clever ecosystem can help with all manner of the drug candidates, small molecule, peptides, siRNA, mRNA and could easily create veterinary medicines also. Starting a facility usually has a long wait for a result given the years of research, pre-clinical and clinical trials. Currently researchers are moving to preclinical trial in desperate need to scale up their candidates, unable to afford the infrastructure to go it alone, forced to send it off-shore, at times losing their IP. Much of the final stage development work is contracted out to companies again off-shore. Ideally, it is well within the intellectual scope of Australian academia, we simply lack the necessary resources. There are possibilities for short term successes.

Tapping into the untapped.

The next wave of STEM students in high school is poised to have an advantage beyond a large portion of the world, given the COVID-19 impact on schooling worldwide. The effects of lockdown on the student population in Australia has been significant although we have been particularly fortunate in comparison to elsewhere, considering the US are still not going to school 1 year down the track. Add the opportunity to recruit to our ecosystem from a global pool anxious to move out of lockdown to clean and green Australia, this is a substantial opportunity.

The ANZAC collaboration.

Australia and New Zealand share many things, compete with passion and collaborate when necessity dictates. There are strategic and cooperative advantages in extending alliances with our close neighbours. The scientific community already has close relationships, and present readiness to create an mRNA vaccine for both these countries is lacking. A quick stocktake of capabilities proves to illuminate the value in working together on this, it is a symbiosis well worth the investment.

Where to start

Behind the scenes, a group of scientists scattered around Australia have formed an alliance. This is a formidable bunch of professors from an array of disciplines recruited for their skill mix to create a Genetic Medicine facility in Australia. They are ‘the real deal’ – passionate about the science, keen to make a difference for Australia, agnostic to where it will be, they just want it to happen! The group is the Australian RNA Production Consortium (ARPC).  Collectively, they have deep expertise in the biology, chemistry, manufacture and use of RNA medicines. ARPC was formed in mid-2020 and have since made submissions to government at various levels, consulted to government consultants in the hope one day this dream will become a reality and these consultants are not simply paying lip service to the ecosystem. Now what is needed is both levels of Government and industry/venture capital to back these efforts of the ARPC and fund a new and dynamic ecosystem in genetic medicines. The opportunity is there we just have to be bold and grasp it with both hands.

by Peter Davis, ATA Scientific


1.Medical Products National Manufacturing Priority road map:

2. Research Culture: A survey of early-career researchers in Australia. Christian, Johnstone et al

Population-wide immune responses to SARS-CoV-2: Insights from quantifying the antibody response

Tuesday, March 23
Please register here to receive a link to the recording

We are delighted to bring you an exciting new webinar,  “Population-wide immune responses to SARS-CoV-2: Insights from quantifying the antibody response” presented by Prof Adriano Aguzzi from University of Zurich. He will discuss: The newly opened up possibility to profile antibody responses by quantifying the fundamental molecular parameters of affinity and concentration The implications of observed inter-patient variability of the affinity and concentration of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 The relevance of being able to quantify affinity and concentration to understanding functional immunity following infection, vaccination, or plasmapheresis The potential applications of affinity and concentration profiling to autoimmune diseases and other conditions You can find out more and save your spot by registering here

P.S. If you’re interested, we’d love to offer you a demonstration of our Fluidity One-W instrument, so you can see it’s full capabilities in action. Simply contact us or click here and we’ll set it up.
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This useful guide provides a summary of the latest analytical tools available that offer access to a wide range of accurate biophysical information to support rapid drug development and process development through to manufacture. 
Download your free copy of our guide here