All posts by atascientific

How benign moles can switch to cancerous melanoma

 Did you know that in Australia, one person dies from melanoma every five hours? Melanoma is often referred to as ‘Australia’s National Cancer’ and is the third most common cancer in Australia. Most are caused by prolonged and repeated exposure to UV radiation in sunlight, but there are some melanomas that are not sun related, eg, Bob Marley famously died of an acral lentiginous melanoma on his toe in 1981. Melanocyte cells produce melanin to protect the deeper layers of skin but when unregulated or uncontrolled, melanomas can develop, metastasise and become life threatening. A team of researchers working at University of California, San Francisco, in collaboration with The Huntsman Institute, Utah aimed to investigate the mechanisms by which a benign mole (nevus) can switch from being stable melanocyte cells to cancerous melanoma cells.  


The Role of HECTD2 Ubiquitin Ligase in Melanoma Progression  

1. Nothing like it 
A huge array of analysis possibilities allow you to ask questions that no other system can answer – Dr Mat Hardman, University of Hull
2. Disrupts common theory
Livecyte was used to disprove a long held theory about how stable nevus melanocytes switch to cancerous melanoma cells – Dr Robert Judson-Torres, Huntsman Institute
3. Expect the unexpected
Livecyte has led to observations of unexpected cell behaviour when quantifying live-cell drug resistance – Dr Kurt Anderson and Dr Alix Le Marois, The Francis Crick Institute
4. See change as it happens
Used primary prostate cells to study new cancer treatment – Professor Norman Maitland, University of York
5. Simplifying not simpler
Managed to get a few months’ worth of work done in just one – Greg Perry, St George’s University of London
Demos & Seminars in 2022 – Register your interest!  
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Optimise quality of electrode materials for battery manufacturing

Whether you work in battery research or battery development, our analytical solutions can help you achieve high performance faster and more easily. From Li-ion batteries to emerging technologies such as Na-ion, Li-sulphur, Zn-air, or graphene-based modifications, we can help you achieve the highest battery quality. Our solutions can also be used for graphene supercapacitors, which can supplement batteries in applications that need high power for a short time. 

Electrode material quality is influenced by several factors including particle size, particle shape, and composition. Take a look at the latest technologies we support for electrode quality control. 

If you would like to arrange a demonstration to assess the capabilities of any of the analytical technologies discussed, please contact us.

Particle size
Electrode material particle size plays an important role in battery performance. Particle size variation must usually be regularly measured and optimised to maintain consistent battery performance – ideally, over the course of the production process. 
Based on laser diffraction, the Mastersizer 3000 offers the easiest, most accurate way of measuring cathode and anode material particle sizes.
For industrial process environments, the Insitec on-line particle size analyzer  provides real-time data for process control.  

Particle shape
Particle shape affects slurry rheology, as well as the packing density, porosity, and uniformity of electrode coatings. To achieve the highest levels of battery performance, manufacturers must be able to analyse and optimise particle morphology.
Morphologi 4 optical imaging tool can analyse the size and shape of statistically relevant ensembles of particles in just a few minutes, to empower you with all the critical information you need to optimise your battery slurry.

Morphologi 4-ID provides chemical composition and structure of electrode materials, enabling correlation with battery performance through Morphologically Directed Raman Spectroscopy (MDRS). 

Elemental composition
Deviations in composition or impurities in electrode materials can significantly affect final battery performance. For this reason, composition analysis is an integral part of the battery manufacturing process.

Simple to operate and fast to learn, Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM provides fast, high resolution imaging and elemental analysis (EDS) to characterise and classify materials supporting battery production.

SEM is an unrivalled technique that can help solve some key issues of battery manufacturing, to increase safety and efficiency while lowering cost and energy consumption.     
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CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR RECENT WINNERS !!! The ATA Scientific Encouragement Award aims to provide young scientists with financial assistance to further their education and attend scientific meetings and conferences. For all our previous winners, click below

Livecyte changes what’s possible to measure using live cell assays

Multiple Outputs in a Single View

Livecyte produces high contrast time-lapse videos for a range of label-free assays. Automated single-cell tracking of even the most sensitive cells quickly reveals subtle phenotypic differences in unperturbed cell populations.

Livecyte’s easy-to-use Dashboards view generates groups of graphs which provide detailed descriptions of different phenotypic behaviours and any outlying characteristics.

Take a look at the links below for a summary of applications where the Dashboards may be useful.

Proliferation Dashboard Outputs
Cell Count, Confluence, Starting Dry Mass, Dry Mass, Cell Doubling Time, Dry Mass Doubling Time

Motility Dashboard Outputs
Instantaneous Velocity, Directionality, Track Speed, Displacement, Mean Velocity, Confinement Ratio

Wound Healing Dashboard Outputs
Starting Area, Area, Area T1/2, Collective Migration, Leading Edge Track Speed, Directionality

Morphology Dashboard Outputs
Confluence, Dry Mass, Area, Perimeter, Length Width Ratio, Sphericity

Fluorescence Dashboard Outputs
Median Integrated Intensity, Integrated Intensity, Total Integrated Intensity
Using the Livecyte at St George’s University of London
In this video researchers from St George’s University of London, discuss their use of the Livecyte system.  Greg Perry , Image Resource Facility Microscopy Manager said “I think the sheer depth of analytical possibility is really starting to dawn on people. You can generate incredibly complex outputs but you’ve got the surface level analysis too. It ticks all boxes! The duality of the simple, super easy to grasp operation of the system, but the sheer depth of what you can do with it, is very inspiring.”

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In-Solution Affinity Measurement of a Drug-Induced Protein Complex

The ability to reduce the activity of the immune system in a controlled fashion represents one of the most important achievements in modern medicine.

Decades of research have led to a remarkable understanding of protein structure and function. However, proteins rarely act on their own and a quantitative understanding of their interaction mechanisms is key to the successful development of new drugs that enable the modulation of the cellular network of protein–protein interactions.    Using Microfluidic Diffusional Sizing (MDS) technology, we describe an in-solution assay to characterise the interaction of the immunosuppressive protein pair FKBP12 and mTOR induced by the small-molecule drug rapamycin.

This user guide describes microfluidic affinity antibody profiling (MAAP) against the SARS‑CoV‑2 S1 (K417N, E484K, N501Y, D614G) protein directly in serum samples.

The new Fluidity One-M system offers the latest technology for the purpose of quantifying and characterising protein interactions – even in complex backgrounds or with challenging targets, in a single experiment.

Fluidity One-M benefits: Uses microfluidic diffusional sizing (MDS) technology to measure changes in molecular size (hydrodynamic radius) as binding events occur Enables development of customised protocols to study a wide range of interactions – typical run time 35 minutes for 24 datapoints to determine KD Eliminates risk of binding artefacts or other surface constraints – measure directly in solution – no surface immobilisation Minimises consumption of precious samples – 3.5 μL per datapoint (application dependent), 50-80 μL to determine KD
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Explore best practices for detecting API’s and excipents

Learn more about deformulation, laser diffraction, battery analysis, and more.

It’s the best way to finish 2021 – Take a look at all the latest webinars focused on particle characterisation. Register below to watch live or receive a link to the recording.
The 12 experts of diffraction
We’ll bring you insights into the world of laser diffraction from 12 of our experts from across the globe.

Deformulation and its relevance to bioequivalence studies
The importance of deformulation or ‘reverse engineering’ to elucidate the analytical approaches in the detection of APIs and excipients.
Battery Slurries: A basic introduction to characterizing viscosity and dispersion stability
Physical properties of particles such as size, shape and zeta potential will be introduced alongside their influence on the rheological properties such as viscosity and viscoelasticity.

How to transfer methods in multi-site drug development projects
Ensuring analytical methods are unified between multiple sites and teams can be tricky. Pharmaceutical industry expert Maria Sobusiak will share her expertise on the best practice.   
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Key insights on structure and composition to advance battery manufacturing

Originally published in Materials Australia magazine Dec issue 2021, pp 34-35.

Global energy storage demand has driven a battery power revolution in research and development seeking solutions. Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) have progressed in terms of power density, safety, and cycle life, however, advances in manufacturing LIBs wane behind. The required quality checks such as the inspection of raw materials, intermediate components and final product are central to this lag. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is an unrivalled technique for inspecting and analysing nanoscale materials, that could benefit production processes and root cause analysis. SEM can help solve some key issues of battery manufacturing, which may eventually result in increasing battery safety and production efficiency while lowering the cost and energy consumption.   

Simple to operate and fast to learn, the Phenom XL G2 SEM allows users to observe:

  • Size and granulometry of powders used as raw materials
  • Size and orientation of pores and fibres in insulating membranes
  • Three-dimensional structure of electrodes after production processes
  • Response of materials to electrical or thermal solicitations
  • Presence of contaminants in the battery sublayers.

The Phenom XL G2 is the only SEM that can be placed within an argon-filled glovebox, allowing users to perform research on air sensitive lithium battery samples. 

Air reactivity of LIB materials is a key challenge in analysis and whilst investigations in Argon can provide an inert environment, an SEM’s high acceleration voltage may cause sparking. The Phenom XL G2 employs technology dedicated to avoiding this issue, offering users a protected environment to characterise air sensitive battery samples. A glovebox is filled with Argon, and via a bypass, air is replaced with Argon to safely transport the samples in preparation for imaging. This process is fast, but importantly, the lithium samples remain protected.

Phenom SEM reveals detailed sample surface information

An electrodes’ nano-structural shape and orientation is crucial to a battery’s longevity and efficiency. Materials used for cathodes typically look like agglomerates of smaller particles (Image 1) prompting the quest for higher resolution. Phenom SEMs can be used to inspect the morphology and surface topography of the sample with the Everhart-Thornley Secondary Electron Detector (SED). The accompanying four-quadrant backscattered electron detector (BSD) reveals areas of different compositions by varying contrast. Additionally, elemental identity of these regions can be confirmed using the custom-made high-throughput energy-dispersive detector (EDS). This trinity of detectors render Phenom SEMs a formidable tool in the hunt for contamination. Battery insulating membranes are typically non-conductive and electron beam sensitive promoting the value of the low voltage option (1 to 20kV) and variable vacuum levels of the Phenom Pharos that help prevent sample damage and reduce charging effects.

Image1. Raw Powders used in the production of cathodes. SEMs are ideal tools for investigating small particles in the range of micrometres or nanometres.

Phenom SEM detects sources of contamination

Li-ion batteries (composed of Lithium, Nickel, Manganese, Cobalt Oxide) have become the most widely used component in the battery industry mainly due to quality uniformity and high energy density. During the production of Li-ion powders, there are several sources of contamination. Calcination which is used to bind Li under high temperature, can introduce Al and Si contamination. Additives are used to influence the crystalline structure and improve the flexibility, increasing the number of charge cycles and voltage. Coatings are added to improve conductivity and make the powder last longer. Powder transportation and cell manufacturing processes can introduce further contaminants, which can accumulate, grow larger and larger and affect battery efficiency by lowering performance and reducing recharging cycles.

Thankfully the Phenom SEM comes to the rescue given contaminants can pierce insulator membranes and cause short circuits becoming a fire hazard.

Image 2: Lithium dendrite observation on cathode. Charging and discharging cycles tend to reduce capacity and can even break due to Li dendrite formation.  

Automated SEM imaging combined with EDX analysis using Perception software

The Phenom ParticleX SEM advanced software analysis enables key measurements to be automated, providing more accurate results and saving operators a great deal of time. Automated SEM plus EDS analysis can be used for monitoring different parts of the production environment. Contaminants are automatically detected and characterised with reports showing powder purity and environmental cleanliness level complying with the latest industrial manufacturing standards.

The Phenom Desktop SEM is a multi-purpose desktop SEM that can be used to characterise samples in-house, quickly and accurately. Users can accelerate the R&D process as they work to design safer, more powerful, and longer lasting lithium-ion batteries.

Available for demo now: The new desktop Phenom SEM Series

Contact us for a demonstration or quote today!

Identify unexpected cell behaviours: Non-invasive live cell imaging

Produce high contrast time-lapse videos for a range of label-free assays with or without fluorescence. Automate single-cell tracking of even the most sensitive cells to reveal subtle phenotypic differences in unperturbed cell populations. Present results from up to 96 wells at a time, to investigate individual cell behaviour and outlying characteristics.
Growth and Proliferation Workshop
Dr Meetal Solanki, Technical Applications Scientist at Phasefocus, runs through a simple example showing how Livecyte can add a whole new level of information to your Proliferation assays.
Random Motility and Scratch Wound Workshop
Dr Meetal Solanki, Technical Applications Scientist at Phasefocus, shows how Livecyte can automatically track your live cells yielding a wealth of motility data and provide the foundation for more reliable wound healing assays.  
Fluorescence with QPI Workshop
Dr Meetal Solanki, Technical Applications Scientist at Phasefocus, shows two examples of how adding intermittent fluorescence measurements, when combined with tracking data from QPI, can yield both low phototoxicity and key insights.    
The Francis Crick Institute – Quantifying Live-Cell Drug Resistance

In this video researchers from The Francis Crick Institute, discuss their use of the Livecyte system from Phasefocus with label-free, high contrast imaging. Livecyte allows segmentation of cells to identify a range of cellular phenotypic characteristics, including mitosis and lineage tracing.
Research modeling rare populations of cells resistance to lung cancer treatments has been assisted by the gentle, non-invasive imaging that produces no perturbation of cell behaviour. This has led to observations of unexpected cell behavior via the general health and morphology of the cell.
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StructIR Lab™ Grant Program
This is time sensitive – so get applying!

You may have noticed our recent email regarding the NEW RedShiftBio system. This powerful new IR-based analytical system uses Microfluidic Modulation Spectroscopy (MMS)  to provide direct measurement of previously undetectable changes in protein structure.

We would like to invite you to apply for the new StructIR Lab™ Grant Program, this is time sensitive – so get applying! Also, take a look at UK researcher, Rob Forbes as he presents his findings at the PEGS conference.

NEW StructIR Lab™ Grant Program – APPLY TODAY – Limited time only
The 2021 StructIR Lab Grant program will provide two winners access to the AQS3®pro and Microfluidic Modulation Spectroscopy via our in-house expert staff for sample testing and analysis. Applicants now have until December 15 to complete and submit a grant application, available through the RedShiftBio website, to be considered for this grant. The winners will be selected by a review committee and will be announced on December 22. 

Please do not hesitate to contact Peter Davis (Email:  or call direct 0417 778 971) should you have any questions or requests.   


MMS for Predicting Aggregation & Particle Formation Behaviour During Early Formulation

WATCH NOW – Success at PEGS Europe !!
Insights into predicting aggregation and particle formation behaviour during early formulation screening: The Role of MMS by Rob Forbes, PhD, University of Central Lancashire/ Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies. Watch this  presentation now available on-demand.  
Differentiation of <2% changes in HOS using Microfluidic Modulation Spectroscopy (MMS)
PEGS Europe Featured Poster Presentation
Confident Differentiation of <2% changes in Secondary Structure to Compare Batch-to-Batch Activity using Microfluidic Modulation Spectroscopy (MMS) by Dr Patrick King, Susana De Jesús Acosta, Dr Roser Llevadot.

 Discover how MMS can strengthen your bioanalytical tool kit by providing critical insight through all phases of protein-based drug development.  

Molecular size, KD, Concentration and stoichiometry from a single experiment

The new Fluidity One-M system offers the latest technology for the purpose of quantifying and characterising protein interactions – even in complex backgrounds or with challenging targets, in a single experiment.

Fluidity One-M benefits: Uses microfluidic diffusional sizing (MDS) technology to measure changes in molecular size (hydrodynamic radius) as binding events occur Enables development of customised protocols to study a wide range of interactions – typical run time 35 minutes for 24 datapoints to determine KD Eliminates risk of binding artefacts or other surface constraints – measure directly in solution – no surface immobilisation Minimises consumption of precious samples – 3.5 μL per datapoint (application dependent), 50-80 μL to determine KD  


This collection of must-watch webinars cover a range of topics from measuring antibody affinity in serum to monitoring of SMALP nanodisc formation, to quantifying the stoichiometry and binding affinity of protein–protein interactions in complex backgrounds.  All webinars are available to view on demand  

Immune responses to SARS-CoV-2
In this webinar, Professor Akiko Iwasaki will discuss immune responses in COVID-19 patients with moderate and severe disease. She will compare viral load, immune phenotype and cytokines that are predictive of mortality, and discuss signatures of cytokines and growth factors that associate with recovery vs. disease exacerbation.

Safe, Rapid and Variant-Specific Affinity-Based Virus-Neutralization Assays
A new type of rapid assay is discussed based on quantifying protein interactions and provides functional insights equivalent to the gold standard cell-based neutralization assay by measuring the affinity, concentration, and neutralization potential of antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein directly in serum.   
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The ATA Scientific Encouragement Award aims to provide young scientists with financial assistance to further their education and attend scientific meetings and conferences.
For all our previous winners, click below

Detect mass changes at the sensor surface with nanoscale resolution using QSense QCM-D

Recently Biolin Scientific hosted two days of educational seminars on the topic of Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), a real-time, surface sensitive technique for analysing surface-interactions, thin film formation and layer properties. If you were unable to attend or want to watch the talks once more, no worries. We have collected the presentations for you!   

Data Modeling in Dfind
Get insights into QSense Dfind modeling tools using a protein analysis example. Fredrik Pettersson is a Senior Application Scientist at Biolin Scientific.

Get started with Dfind
A guide through the basic settings, functions, and possibilities of the QSense Dfind analysis software. Patricia Passanesi is an Application Scientist at Biolin Scientific.
Biomembrane Models and Interactions 
Marité Cárdenas is a Professor in Biomedical Science at Malmö University, discusses lipid-protein/DNA interactions and the characterisation of their structures in solution and at interfaces.

Carbohydrate-presenting rSAM Surface as a Sensitive Platform for QCM-D Detection of Multivalent Lectins
Dr. Adam Tillo discusses QCM-D technique for investigation of interactions between bacterial proteins and chemically modified surfaces.  

QCM-D Characterisation of Antimicrobial Lipid Interactions with Supported Lipid Bilayers: Towards Antiviral Applications.
A/Prof Jackman from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) leads the Translational Nanobioscience lab, focused on characterising interactions of biomacromolecules with biological systems.
Application of Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring to Understand the Early Stages of Platelets Activation
Ms. Derszniak, Ph.D. candidate in Medical and Health Sciences, conducts blood platelets research at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
QCM-D Study of the Adsorption of Nanospheres and Proteins onto Surfaces and its Implications for Drug Release
A/Prof Murthy uses QCM-D and X-ray scattering to study the conformation changes and their biological interactions when proteins are adsorbed onto various substrates.
Leveraging the QCM-D Technique for Efficient Food Ingredients Encapsulation to Improve Bioavailability
Dr. Younas Dadmohammadi field of interest forges much-needed connections between engineering, food, and life science.
High-pressure High-temperature QCM-D to Study Fouling in Milk Processing
Ms. Holly Huellermeier, Ph.D. candidate Ohio State University, studies the mechanisms of fouling and cleaning during thermal milk processing. 
Using QCM-D to Study the Recognition of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Particles Toward their Target Proteins
Dr. NGO research interests concern affinity technology, hybrid materials, and molecularly imprinted polymers for protein recognition in biomedical applications.
QSense Technology Introduction
Get a quick overview of the QSense technology and solutions from the Global Product Manager for QSense, Eva Ekerot.
Experimental Tips and Tricks
Learn best practices for generating high-quality QCM-D data – from preparation and set-up to running the experiment.  
Our Instrument Selector is a great tool to find the top choices of QCM-D for your research. Just answer a few questions to get going. Once you are done, you can easily request a quote for the configuration you are interested in or share it with a colleague!