If you are a young scientist you can enter our competition to win one of our Encouragement Awards. Our awards are intended to provide you with financial assistance to attend a relevant science conference or to further your research or studies.

The award:
First prize winner will receive the $1500 award and two runner-up winners will receive $750 each.

How to enter:
Simply send us in around 500 words or less your answer to the question below for your chance to win.

The cost of University Education continues to increase. This includes increases in course fees, rent, and HECS fees. Continuing inflation is likely to add to these costs. It is becoming unaffordable for many who are now looking for careers based on qualifications from other sectors such as TAFE. A University degree was considered to offer better career prospects and higher salary.

Do you think this is still true for you?  Knowing what you do now would you have made a different career choice or is your passion for research more important?

Entries close 6 September 2024 – Enter now!

Each participant can submit only one entry which will be judged for originality and overall humour. All winners will be featured on our website and shared online. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Contact us to receive updates. Good luck!

Honest disclosure: These days it is tempting to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an easy way to respond to our Award questions. The spirit of science is based on honesty and inventiveness. We want you to respond in this spirit. However, if AI is used in any way, then as a budding scientist you know that you should provide clear attribution.

The conditions: The competition is open to science graduates including Masters, PhD candidates and Post Doc scientists aged 30*or younger who work in the fields of the Life or Material or Chemical or Environmental Sciences** in Australian or New Zealand organisations. We can only accept one entry per person. Winning entries will be posted on our website and Facebook and featured in our newsletter. Payment is conditional upon your supervisor or organisation giving written permission for you to receive this award. The entries will be assessed by a panel of ATA Scientific staff. *The assessment panel may take into account extenuating circumstances that might provide grounds for consideration outside this age criterion. **As a guide these fields include Biotech, Protein, Pharma, Food, Agriculture, Chemical, Polymer, Ceramics, Particles, Surfaces, Minerals, Soil and Water.

If you have a question about this award or any of our products and services, please get in touch and one of our friendly team will be happy to help.