Biochemical characterisation of SARS Coronavirus

26 Mar, 2020 | Newsletters
Biochemical characterisation of SARS Coronavirus

Measure molecular interactions and kinetics with ease and exceptional sensitivity    Investigate binding affinity (KD), stoichiometry (n), enthalpy (ΔH), and entropy (ΔS) in a single experiment

Both ITC (Isothermal Titration Calorimetry)and CD (Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy) are two powerful techniques for evaluating the binding of proteins and other biomolecules.  Applications range from drug design to fundamental research such as the understanding and regulation of signal transduction pathways.

  CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH: MicroCal ITC Cited in Research Paper published in Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
“Biochemical Characterisation of Exoribonuclease Encoded by SARS Coronavirus”
Click here to download this paper
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) together with Circular Dichroism (CD) were used to elucidate the nature and role of metal ions with the coronavirus nsp14 protein, important for viral replication and transcription.

Watch this Webinar 
For ITC users studying complex interactions who need help with their data analysis, or simply want to take their analysis to the next level.
Download this Paper
“Structural Characterisation of the SARS-Coronavirus Spike S Fusion Protein Core”. This paper discusses the use of the Jasco CD system for protein characterisation. 

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The ATA Scientific Encouragement Award aims to provide young scientists with financial assistance to further their education and attend scientific meetings and conferences.
First prize is for $1500 and there are two runner up awards at $600 each. Entries close 31 March 2020.

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